
1998 January – June

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  • National Geographic January 1998

    Polar Bears, Stalkers of the High Arctic
    Scientists follow the sea bear into the Arctic vastness, puzzling out how it hunts, breeds - - and keeps from freezing to death.
    Amelia Earhart
    The world's most famous aviatrix vanished over the Pacific in 1937. Amelia Earhart's untimely death helped assure that her pioneering achievements in the cockpit would not be forgotten.
    Dutch Winter { Ode to Ice; The Netherlands: Ode to Ice; Illustrations text}
    When a hard freeze transforms the Dutch landscape, canals sing with the music of skates.
    Altamaha River { The Easy Ways of the Altamaha; A Special Place: The Easy Ways of the Altamaha}
    Gnarled cypresses dot the marshes where herons stalk and gators laze and Georgians savor the tranquility of their timeless river.
    Blackpool, England { A Jolly Good Time in Blackpool, England}
    Braving chill waters and rambunctious crows, Britons for decades have enjoyed the gaudy pleasures of this improbable seaside resort.
    Making Sense of the Millennium
    As the year 2000 approaches and global mania builds, we step back to consider six areas critical to future generations in this introduction to a two- year series.
    Research Committee { Labors of Love: A Report by Your Society's Committee for Research and Exploration}
    The National Geographic Society's Committee for Research and Exploration include Maya villagers among more than 200 grantees funded in 1997.

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  • National Geographic February 1998

    The Millennium Series/ Exploration { Revolutions in Mapping}
    Computers and satellites allow today's mapmakers to chart the heavens, guide a missile, or help a farmer increase crop yield - - with data that can be updated instantly.
    Australia By Bike, Part Two: Over the Top
    To reach Perth from Darwin, head southwest into the burning wind and pedal, mate - - for 3, 000 miles.
    Remember the [ Maine] ? { New Interpretation Throws Open the Question of Cause }
    Soon after the U. S. S. Maine exploded and sank in Havana harbor in 1898, questions arose: accident or mine? Despite new information the mystery of the blast remains.
    Brides of the Sahara
    Festive trappings pattern the day of a Tuareg marriage ceremony in Niger.
    The Millennium Series/ Exploration { Jacques- Yves Cousteau; Master of the Deep: Jacques- Yves Cousteau, 1910- 1997}
    Co- inventor of the Aqua- Lung, the captain of the Calypso pioneered a new era of underwater exploration and awareness of the threat of pollution to the world's oceans.
    The Millennium Series/ Exploration { Why Explore? }
    Pathfinders discuss what it means to be an explorer of earth, sea, and space at the dawn of the 21st century.
    The Millennium Series/ Exploration { Queen Maud Land; On the Edge of Antarctica: Queen Maud Land}
    On the edge of Antarctica a six- man team climbs mountains never before scaled.

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  • National Geographic March 1998

    Planet of the Beetles
    From humble ladybugs to brilliant scarabs, beetles both help and bedevil us. A third of the world's identified insects are beetles, and they are everywhere.
    America's First Highway
    The National Road, part of today's U. S. Route 40, was built between 1811 and 1838 to connect the port of Baltimore to the Mississippi River.
    The Rise of Life on Earth
    Microscopic life- forms, our planet's pioneer inhabitants, bequeathed the oxygen we breathe, the DNA and proteins that drive our cells, and the photosynthesis that feeds us.
    Naples Unabashed
    A city schooled in passion, chaos, and the art of making do, the Italian metropolis embraces its virtues and grapples with its problems - - without apology.
    Marine Sanctuaries { Blue Refuges: U. S. National Marine Sanctuaries}
    Charged with protecting U. S. ocean treasures, 12 national marine sanctuaries encompass 18, 000 square miles of coral reefs, elephant seal rookeries, kelp forests, and whale feeding grounds.
    Nomads of the Arctic { Nenets: Surviving on the Siberian Tundra}
    Having endured the communist collectivization of their reindeer herds, these nomads now face capitalist development of the huge gas fields underlying their pasturelands.

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  • National Geographic April 1998

    Ozarks Harmony
    Rich in natural beauty and native pride, the hills that straddle Arkansas and Missouri now host an influx of newcomers whose ways sometimes strain a staunchly independent culture.
    Rongelap Atoll { Testing the Waters of Rongelap}
    The Pacific atoll, heavily contaminated by radioactivity during a 1954 nuclear bomb test, remains off- limits for human habitation, yet in its waters life abounds.
    Australia By Bike, Part Three: Closing the Circle
    Surviving a self- imposed ordeal of 10, 000 wind- blasted miles, an American journalist completes a circuit of his adopted country and finds himself in a different place.
    Roman Shipwrecks { High- tech Search for Roman Shipwrecks}
    Probing the depths of the Mediterranean Sea, a nuclear submarine locates the remains of trading vessels that sank west of Sicily 2, 000 years ago.
    Life Grows Up { The Rise of Life on Earth- -Life Grows Up}
    Bizarre organisms filled the seas more than half a billion years ago, foreshadowing the rise of more complex creatures. Their fossils are rewriting the history of life on Earth.
    The Vanishing Prairie Dog
    Shoot them or save them? Opinions on prairie dogs divide the American West. What's clear is that these rodents are disappearing, along with their entire ecosystem.
    Orinoco River { The Orinoco: Into the Heart of Venezuela}
    The bewitching song of El Dorado - - fabled fountainhead of gold - - still echoes along Venezuela's longest river as it flows past rain forest villages, cattle ranches, and natural caches of mineral wealth.

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  • National Geographic May 1998

    Whitbread Race { The Whitbread- -Race Into Danger}
    Violent seas of the southern Indian Ocean make for a wild ride for nine sloops sailing one of the roughest legs of an eighth- month round- the- world race.
    Prince Edward Island: A World Apart No More
    A pastoral realm of patchwork farms and sweeping Atlantic vistas, Canada's smallest province braces for the changes brought by a new eight- mile bridge to the mainland.
    Gray Wolves { Return of the Gray Wolf}
    Three years into a controversial project to reestablish the predator in the lower 48 states, Canis lupus is well on its way to recovery. Not everyone is cheering.
    The Millennium Series/ Physical World { Unlocking the Climate Puzzle}
    Earth warms and cools in natural cycles over the eons, scientists say, but we may be altering the rhythm with our dependence on fossil fuels.
    The Millennium Series/ Physical World { Cascadia: Living on Fire}
    An earthquake and tsunami of cataclysmic scale struck the Pacific Northwest in A. D. 1700. The subterranean forces at work that day will rage again; unsettling news for a burgeoning region.
    The Millennium Series/ Physical World { Physical World: How Will the Planet Change? }
    In our continuing coverage of the issues facing us as the millennium nears, we examine an Earth in constant motion.

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  • National Geographic June 1998

    Trans- Siberian Railroad { Russia's Iron Road}
    Stretching 5, 770 miles from Moscow to Vladivostok, the Trans- Siberian Railroad, the world's longest, links a land still adjusting to the end of the Soviet era.
    Adirondack High { A Special Place: Adirondack High}
    New York State's blue- water lakes and fir- clad mountains promise peace of mind - - despite periodic spats between conservationists and eager developers.
    Kaikoura Canyon { Deep Mysteries of Kaikoura Canyon}
    Does the legendary giant squid lurk in this mile- deep ravine off New Zealand? Sperm whales bearing scars of huge thrashing tentacles suggest so.
    Raji Honey Hunters { Golden Harvest of the Raji}
    Honey hunters in southern Nepal trace floral trails to lofty hives. But life among the Raji is no stroll down a garden path.
    Stock Car Racing { Fast Times in Stock Car Country}
    From small- town dirt tracks to sleek NASCAR raceways like Daytona, stock car racing has accelerated into America's fastest growing spectator sport.
    Quetzals { The Elusive Quetzal}
    The iridescent bird revered by ancient Mesoamericans has become a rare sight as its habitat falls to human encroachment.
    Orkney Islands { Orkney: Ancient North Sea Haven}
    Verdant gems on a violent sea, these Scottish isles reflect pride in a Viking past.

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National Geographic January 1998

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National Geographic February 1998

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National Geographic April 1998

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National Geographic May 1998

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National Geographic June 1998

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