
1997 July – December

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  • National Geographic July 1997

    The Grand Managed Canyon
    Glen Canyon Dam has long harnessed the mighty Colorado, but environmentalists, biologists, and river runners still contest the benefits.
    The Dawn of Humans: The First Europeans
    Pushing Europe's prehistory back to a million years ago, scientists are finding startlingly early human remains. Our ancestors? Or their mysterious precursors?
    Robot Revolution
    Smaller and smarter than ever, robotic machines have moved beyond the factory floor to transform human work, entertainment, and exploration.
    Montserrat Volcano { Montserrat: Under the Volcano}
    For two years residents of this tiny Caribbean island have lived with a smoldering, belching menace.
    Cloaked in ritual, explosive bouts between titanic wrestlers reveal much about Japanese history and culture.
    The Roman Empire: Part One, The Making of an Empire { The Power and the Glory of the Roman Empire}
    Ruthless in conquest but tolerant in victory, the ancient Romans forged a vast empire that lasted more than a thousand years. In the first of two articles we trace its rise and fall.

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  • National Geographic August 1997

    Malaysia: Rising Star
    After 40 years of independence this Southeast Asian nation has achieved peace and plenty - - at a cost.
    Oregon's Outback { A Special Place: Oregon's Outback}
    In the state's rugged southeast corner the wind is a constant companion, and water is as rare as a neighbor.
    An Empire's Enduring Reach { Roman Legacy; The World According to Rome}
    Fifteen centuries after the fall of Rome, the empire's influence still pervades our culture in law, language, architecture, and government.
    Thalay Sagar Climb { The Frozen Face of Thalay Sagar}
    No one has reached the summit of this 22, 650- foot Himalayan peak by its north face. Two Americans climbers find out why.
    New Light on Coral { A New Light in the Sea}
    Red Sea corals explode with fluorescent colors under the glow of ultraviolet light.
    Barrier Islands { Islands at the Edge}
    Shifting slivers of sand, the barrier islands that protect the Atlantic and Gulf coasts lure beach lovers into a losing battle with nature.
    Malaysia's Secret Realm
    Mists wreathe Sabah on the northern tip of Borneo, where virgin rain forest shelters fragile treasures.

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  • National Geographic September 1997

    The Dawn of Humans: Tracking the First of Our Kind
    Around 117, 000 years ago in southern Africa an early member of our species left footprints in a sand dune. Could it have been the Eve some scientists are seeking?
    A Dream Called Nunavut
    In 1999, Canada's Inuit will land their greatest catch - - 770, 000 square miles to call their own.
    Balloon Challenge { Racing With the Wind}
    Competitors from three nations last winter attempted the first nonstop girdling of the globe by balloon.
    Route 66 { Romancing the Road}
    Rattling through Arizona, this remnant of a historic highway returns travelers to two- lane America and the auto's golden age.
    China's Three Gorges: Before the Flood
    The world's mightiest dam is rising on the Yangtze River. Gains: electric power and flood control. Losses: wild canyons and hundreds of thousands of homes.
    Beirut Rising
    A war- torn ruin after 15 years of civil strife, Lebanon's capital is rebuilding itself physically and socially.
    The Siren Song of Everest
    Amateurs crowd the perilous slopes of earth's highest mountain, seeking the adventure of a lifetime.

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  • National Geographic October 1997

    County Fairs
    America's come- one, come- all celebrations have long knit communities out of scattered farm families. Now they do the same for city folk and suburbanites.
    Zambezi { Down the Zambezi}
    Life flows at the pace of a dugout canoe along this great river in the heart of Africa, blessed with fertile land, abundant wildlife, and the glory of Victoria Falls.
    Pakistan { The Promise of Pakistan}
    Fifty years after independence, the Asian nation founded as a Muslim homeland works to bolster its economy and confront its social ills.
    Parasites: Looking for a Free Lunch
    Most of earth's creatures are freeloaders - - and those that aren't are playing host. From the protozoans that cause malaria to the mites living on your skin, parasites range from deadly to benign.
    Vincent van Gogh: Lullaby in Color
    During the ten years before his death, the artist unleashed a passion for color that defines his paintings and marks him as a genius of unsurpassed vision.
    Ancient Americans { The Most Ancient Americans}
    Shattering assumptions, a well- preserved site at Monte Verde, Chile, yields proof that humans arrived in the Western Hemisphere more than 12, 000 years ago.

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  • National Geographic November 1997

    North Woods Journal { A Special Place: North Woods Journal}
    Deep in the Minnesota wilderness, where pine trees claw the surface of dark lakes, a native son records his habitat in a personal journey of discovery.
    Aging- -New Answers to Old Questions
    In the face of an exploding elderly population, scientists study how and why humans age, and seek the secrets of longer, healthier lives.
    Quebec's Quandary
    After a troubled 130- year marriage to English- speaking Canada, the French- speaking province is weighing the pros and cons of calling it quits.
    Hutsul Village { Portrait of a Hutsul Village; Portrait of a Village: The Hutsuls of Ukraine}
    In the seclusion of Ukraine's Carpathian Mountains, the Hutsul people are regaining ancestral lands and reviving cherished traditions suppressed by the former Soviet Union.
    Flies That Fight
    Flies with spreading antlers that battle like miniature elk for mates? Take a ringside seat for the rain forest brawl.
    Nepal's Forgotten Corner { Mustang, Nepal's Forgotten Corner}
    Long isolated by topography and regional politics, the picturesque realm of Mustang is now open to the outside world.
    Rafting in Uzbekistan { Wilderness Rafting Siberian Style}
    A fearless Siberian team takes handmade equipment to the edge on the raging Oygaing River in Uzbekistan.

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  • National Geographic December 1997


    Royal Crypts Of Copan

    The Age Of Comets

    The Long Day

    Patagonian Dinosaurs

    Wild Tigers

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National Geographic December 1997

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