
1994 January – June

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  • National Geographic January 1994

    Des Moines Rides It Out { Riding Out the Worst of Times; Des Moines, Iowa: Riding Out the Worst of Times}
    A native son returns to flood- ravaged Des Moines, Iowa, and finds its virtues of grit, good humor, and neighborly generosity holding fast.
    The Great Flood of ' 93
    When water rampaged through the upper Mississippi River basin last summer, it left both broken levees and broken hearts, stirring up a century- old debate on U. S. flood- control policy.
    New Eyes on the Universe
    With revolutionary telescopes and a fleet of spaceborne instruments, scientists are seeking farther, and more clearly, into the universe. Now they struggle to make sense of this extraordinary information.
    Macaws: Winged Rainbows
    Deep in the Peruvian Amazon, these largest of parrots gather to eat riverbank clay. Why they do so is one of the many questions explored in this first detailed study of macaws in the wild.
    Kyushu: Japan's Southern Gateway
    Japan's southernmost main island sheds its backwater image as it lures research labs and high- tech factories - - and claims its share of the Pacific Rim boom.

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  • National Geographic February 1994

    Canada's Rivers of Conflict { Tatshenshini- Alsek Wilderness Park: Rivers of Conflict}
    Named for two raging, glacier- fed rivers, this Canadian wilderness has ridden out a bruising battle over copper mining and emerged intact. The park crowns an international preserve.
    Federal Lands
    Freewheeling life on the frontier was never free. The West bears the scars of federally subsidized grazing, mining, and logging - - and faces a new land rush of visitors, developers, and retirees.
    Built on Yankee ingenuity and industry, the richest state in the U. S. - - in per capita income - - has been hard hit by job losses. Now Connecticut begins to reinvent itself for the post- industrial age.
    Return to Hunstein Forest
    A daughter of U. S. missionaries revisits her childhood home in Papua New Guinea, where logging may soon destroy pristine rain forest and the way of life of the native Bahinemo people.
    Sea Turtles: In a Race for Survival
    Hunted for meat, leather, and their shells, sea turtles have suffered great declines in population. All eight species are endangered or threatened, and scientists work to save them from extinction.

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  • National Geographic March 1994

    Shanghai: Where China's Past and Future Meet
    Communist leaders long denigrated China's largest city for its onetime tole as the Paris of the Orient. Now they invite foreign firms in hopes of making the city the financial capital of Asia.
    High Road to Hunza
    In the mountains of northern Pakistan, Hunzakuts find more rewards than drawbacks in the highway that has opened their once isolated Shangri- la to the outside world.
    U. S. Eighth Air Force: The Wings of War { The Wings of War}
    The men of the U. S. Eighth Air Force battled Nazi Germany from five miles up, flying daytime bombing raids from England. Aboard B- 17s they forged history - - and lifelong friendships.
    Trinidad and Tobago { The Wild Mix of Trinidad and Tobago}
    Oil- rich and multiethnic, this two- island Caribbean nation makes an art of enjoying friends and family. Carnival, the yearly extravaganza of the senses, raises that art to its highest form.

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  • National Geographic April 1994

    Chile's Uncharted Cordillera Sarmiento
    Stormy seas, perpetual clouds, and hurricane- force winds have kept the peaks of the Sarmiento unscaled - - until now. Putting them on the map, climbers challenge cliffs, ice fields, and fjords.
    John Wesley Powell: Vision for the West
    Renowned for his pioneering voyage through the Grand Canyon, the one- armed explorer also made lasting contributions to geography and voiced visionary warnings about development in the West.
    Riddle of the [ Lusitania]
    Torpedoed by a German submarine on May 7, 1915, the British luxury liner Lusitania sank in 18 minutes, claiming 1, 200 lives. Nearly 300 feet down in the Atlantic, scientists investigate the tragedy.
    The Everglades: Dying for Help
    The vast saw grass wilderness on Florida's southern tip has endured fire, drought, and hurricane - - and revived. But can Everglades National Park survive the continuing diversion of its freshwater?
    Kamchatka: Russia's Land of Fire and Ice
    Nine time zones east of Moscow, this peninsula of fire and ice reels from economic upheaval. Entrepreneurs hope fisheries and adventure tourism will bring hard cash and a niche among Pacific Rim markets.

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  • National Geographic May 1994

    Turkey Struggles for Balance
    At the crossroads of Asia and Europe, this progressive Muslim nation strives to carve out a major role in a diverse region beset by post- Cold War turmoil.
    Siberian Cranes { The Fading Call of the Siberian Crane}
    Imperiled by hunting and habitat loss, these majestic birds soar miles high to wintering grounds in Iran, India, and China. Will the fight to save them succeed?
    Michelangelo's Last Judgment { Out of the Darkness: Michelangelo's Last Judgment }
    After years of painstaking restoration, the master's fresco above the Sistine Chapel alter is reborn in an explosion of color - - an enduring testament to genius and devotion.
    Alaska's Sky- High Wilderness { Wrangell- St. Elias National Park: Alaska's Sky- High Wilderness}
    Only a handful of homesteaders, prospectors, hunters, and visitors tackle the unforgiving terrain of our largest national park. With a double map supplement of Alaska.
    Rice, the Essential Harvest
    Symbol of life, wealth, and fertility from ancient times, rice even today sustains half the world.
    English Channel Tunnel { The Light at the End of the Chunnel}
    Joining England and France in a marriage of convenience, the 31- mile- long Chunnel opens this month - - and may shrink the difference between historic squabblers.

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  • National Geographic June 1994

    Cotton, King of Fibers
    Spun into cloth for centuries, cotton's durable strands now knit everything from coffee filters to adhesive tape. Its seeds and short fibers yield soap, cooking oil, dollar bills, and a base for dynamite.
    White Whales of the North { Beluga: White Whale of the North}
    Small, social, and wary of polar bears, the beluga uses an array of clicks and whistles to chart its path through Arctic ice. Researchers are seeking its migration routes.
    Central Pennsylvania: My Home Place
    In the Allegheny heartland, a native son returns home to the small towns, farms, and football fields of his youth. The train whistles have faded, but the integrity and self- reliance have not.
    A Russian Voyage: From the White to the Black Sea
    Sailing from the White to the Black Sea, an Irish explorer and his crew find abandoned prison camps, flooded villages, polluted waters - - and a people's unceasing faith in the mighty Volga River.
    Powwow- -A Gathering of the Tribes
    We sing to victory. We are still here. Native Americans honor friends and family and celebrate their heritage in dazzling festivals of color and emotion.

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National Geographic January 1994

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National Geographic February 1994

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National Geographic March 1994

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National Geographic April 1994

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National Geographic May 1994

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National Geographic June 1994

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