
1990 July – December

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  • National Geographic July 1990

    Florida Watershed { South Florida Water: Paying the Price}
    Once shunned as mosquito- infested swampland, the watery wilderness of south Florida has been drained, dredged, and diked for farms and cities. But these spectacular feats of engineering have wreaked havoc on the environment, according to Nicole Duplaix.
    The Timeless Mystique of Emeralds { Emeralds}
    Coveted by kings and commoners alike for thousands of years, these green gems are still wrested from the earth, cut, and polished mostly by hand. And some are still transported the old- fashioned way - - by smuggling, says author- photographer Fred Ward,
    The Coral Reefs of Florida Are Imperiled { Florida's Coral Reefs Are Imperiled}
    Formed by tiny marine organisms called polyps, coral reefs take centuries to grow - - and only years to decay. Water pollution and damage by careless boaters and divers threaten their survival. For three decades, author- photographer Fred Ward and photog
    Hawaii's Volcanic Cradle of Life
    High on the slopes of volcanoes that gave birth to these islands, ferns sprout in lava cracks and spiders spin webs in the molds of incinerated trees - - models of adaptation. Biologist William H. Amos shows how a handful of microscopic life- forms arriv
    Long Journey of the Pacific Salmon
    Returning to their riverine birthplaces to spawn and die, Pacific salmon face dangers beyond hungry eagles and Indian nets. Commercial fleets, multiple dams, and the effects of clear- cut logging take an increasing toll. Jere Van Dyk and photographer Na;

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  • National Geographic August 1990

    Missouri's Garden of Consequence { The Plant Hunters: A Portrait of the Missouri Botanical Garden}
    This leading center for tropical botanical research has expanded its mission to educating the world about the effects of rain forest destruction. Boyd Gibbons and photographer James P. Blair report.
    Voyage of the Century
    Their mission to explore the outer solar system accomplished, the twin spacecraft Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 have headed for the stars. With newly enhanced images, team member Bradford A. Smith chronicles their adventure.
    Neptune: Voyager's Last Picture Show
    The wonders of the eighth planet from the sun thrilled even seasoned scientists and made Voyager 2's final close encounter one of its most amazing. Rick Gore recounts the excitement as experts at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory interpret images of Neptune
    An African American Celebration of Life { A Celebration of African- American Life; Philadelphia's African Americans: A Celebration of Life; Mother Africa's Children }
    Old traditions find joyous expression in Philadelphia's inner city. Photographer Roland L. Freeman shares his long commitment to recording preservation and change in an urban culture.
    Yugoslavia: A House Much Divided
    The nation that has pursued a separate destiny outside the Soviet sphere fights economic depression and strives to forestall a civil war rooted in ancient hatreds. Kenneth C. Danforth and photographer Steve McCurry explore a troubled country.
    Northwest Passage { Changing Images of the Northwest Passage}
    Over six summers, ethnographer John Bockstoce traversed a 3, 500- mile Arctic route between Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in a 60- foot research vessel. He reports that mining, oil and gas exploration, and military operations are profoundly affecting the n

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  • National Geographic September 1990

    Special places of the world: New York City

    Track of the Manila Galleons, Nuestra Senora De La Concepcion

    Broadway, street of dreams

    New life for Ellis Island

    Immigration today

    Will we save our endangered forests?

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  • National Geographic October 1990

    A Raft Atop the Rain Forest
    Lowered by dirigible onto the tropical canopy of French Guiana, a huge raft offers an international team of scientists an unprecedented bird's- eye view of the diverse life in a vanishing realm. Team leader Francis Halle reports, with photographs by Rap
    Suruga Bay: In the Shadow of Mount Fuji { Dispatches from a distant world ; Dreams and nightmares in Suruga's wire coral forest }
    In the shadow of Mount Fuji, a little- explored harbor holds an amazing array of sea life. Using the latest underwater technology, photographers David Doubilet and Emory Kristof and marine biologist Eugenie Clark plumb its mysteries to depths of 7, 000 f
    The Cajuns: Still Loving Life
    With a history of exile and exclusion stretching back to the 1750s, these descendants of Nova Scotia's Acadians have developed a unique and enduring culture in south Louisiana. Today they watch with amusement as their spicy folkways are commercialized f
    Is Our World Warming? { Under the Sun- -Is Our World Warming? }
    Earth's atmosphere isn't what it was a hundred years ago: Carbon dioxide - - up by 25 percent - - methane, CFCs, and other gases are adding to the greenhouse effect. Is global temperature rising as a result? How will our long- term climate be effected?
    Mali's Dogon People { Below the Cliff of Tombs: Mali's Dogon}
    In the unyielding landscape of Africa's Sahel, the Dogon guard the rituals that have sustained them for centuries. Carrying their dead high into the cliffs, they reverently reuse the burial caves of an earlier people. By David Roberts, with photographs;

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  • National Geographic November 1990

    Erie Canal: Living Link to Our Past
    Traffic is down on the ditch that once bustled with barges and packets crisscrossing New York State, but dreams are alive in the towns along its banks. Joel L. Swerdlow and photographer Bob Sacha follow the canal's slow pace, relishing the optimism th;
    Six Across Antarctica: Into the Teeth of the Ice
    In July 1989, men from six nations set out on foot to traverse the greatest breadth of Antarctica. More than seven months and 3, 700 miles later, having endured unimaginable hardship and near tragedy, they succeeded. Veteran explorer and team co- leader;
    Kingdom of Kush { Sudan's Kingdom of Kush; Discoveries at Sudan's Sacred Mountain of Jebel Barkal Reveal Secrets of the Kingdom of Kush}
    Some 3, 500 years ago, Kushites in present- day Sudan adopted the religion and customs of their Egyptian conquerors. Then, in one of history's great reversals, they conquered Egypt itself. Archaeologist Timothy Kendall describes remarkable finds at the
    A Love Affair With Maps { Seventy- Five Years of Cartography: A Love Affair With Maps}
    As the Society's Cartographic Division celebrates 75 years of exploring the round earth on flat paper, its chief, John B. Garver, Jr. , traces the evolution of mapmaking at the National Geographic.
    New Atlas Explores a Changing World
    Society President Gilbert M. Grosvenor announces the sixth edition of the National Geographic Atlas of the World - - a world that is witnessing a transformation of political boundaries unparalleled since World War II. High- resolution satellite images ma
    The Baltic Nations: Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania Struggle Toward Independence
    After 50 years of Soviet domination, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania struggle to regain their lost sovereignty. Their newly elected leaders face the twin challenges of repairing ravaged lands and economies and restoring trust in government. Priit J. Ves;

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  • National Geographic December 1990

    Mexico's Heartland- -the Bajío { Mexico's Bajío- -The Heartland}
    Geographic and historic center of Mexico, these high, fertile plains were both the source of wealth for imperial Spain and the sage for rebellion against her. The flavor of colonial days survives here despite the intrusive influence of U. S. industry and
    Botswana { Modern Botswana, the Adopted Land; Botswana, the Adopted Land}
    Fortune has favored this young nation, whose immense diamond deposits were discovered shortly after independence in 1966. A tradition of democracy boosts its chances for success in a politically turbulent continent. Arthur Zich and photographer Peter E;
    The Peales: America's First Family of Art
    Charles Willson Peale inspired a new nation - - and his own gifted children - - with his portraits of statesmen and his promotion of natural history, art, and science. Otto Friedrich traces his expansive life and legacy. Photographs by Kevin Fleming.
    Botswana { A Gathering of Waters and Wildlife}
    Nature photographer Frans Lanting offers provocative glimpses of the life and landscapes of the great thirstland.
    Botswana { Okavango Delta: Old Africa's Last Refuge}
    Stretching across northwestern Botswana, the liquid lifeline of the Okavango River ensures the survival of countless wildlife species. Big- game hunting of that renewable resource, though controversial, provides much- needed income. Douglas B. Lee and Fr

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National Geographic July 1990

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National Geographic August 1990

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National Geographic September 1990

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National Geographic October 1990

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National Geographic November 1990

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National Geographic December 1990

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