National Geographic March 1980


Bali Festival of Faith { Bali Celebrates a Festival of Faith}
The beauty and complexity of unique religious rites, held to restore harmony to the universe, are caught in a photographic essay by Fred and Margaret Eiseman, with text by Peter Miller.
Creatures That Deceive to Survive { Deception: Formula for Survival}
Nature’s web holds many an impostor in disguise, looking amazingly like something it isn’t, observes natural science photographer Robert F. Sisson.
Treasure From a Celtic Tomb
An educated hunch leads archaeologist Jorg Biel to dig into a rocky hillock in West Germany and uncover a nobleman’s tomb of 25 centuries ago, the most important early Celtic find of this century. Photographs by Volkmar Wentzel.
Greece: Getting the Most Out of Life { Greece: To Be Indomitable, To Be Joyous }
Prospering under democratic rule and newly won membership in the European Economic Community, modern- day Greeks press on with their age- old business of getting the most out of life. Peter T. White and James P. Blair report.
Home to North Carolina
A California newspaperman returns to his native state to find that the Sunbelt boom has not spoiled its Tar Heel spirit and small- town flavor. By Neil Morgan, photographs by Bill Weems.
Journey to China’s Far West
Rick Gore and Bruce Dale chronicle an awakening giant in what they are told is the best of times, as a National Geographic scientific team travels across rarely visited Chinese desert regions.

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