National Geographic May 2005


Pick Your Poison { Poison: 12 Toxic Tales}
Pick Your Poison Sometimes they’ re used with sinister motive, sometimes with healing in mind. Today, as they have for centuries, poisons often turn up where you least expect them. BY CATHY NEWMAN PHOTOGRAPHS BY CARY WOLINSKY
Einstein and Beyond { Beyond the Big Bang: Einstein’s Evolving Universe}
Einstein and Beyond A century later, E still equals mc2, and we’ re still probing the great physicist’s notions of space and time. BY MARCIA BARTUSIAK ART BY MOONRUNNER DESIGN
The Long Way Down { World’s Deepest Cave; Call of the Abyss}
The Long Way Down First an intrepid team of explorers broke the depth record in Krubera- the world’s deepest cave- near the Black Sea coast. Then a second team went deeper. BY ALEXANDER KLIMCHOUK PHOTOGRAPHS BY STEVEN L. ALVAREZ
Dinosaurs for Sale { Fossil Wars: Dispatch From the Front Lines}
Dinosaurs for Sale In the international fossil trade, even priceless specimens have a price tag. Ancient bones can end up in a movie star’s mansion as easily as in a museum. BY LEWIS M. SIMONS PHOTOGRAPHS BY LYNN JOHNSON
Color: A Fish’s- Eye View { Coral Reef Color; One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish: Why Are Coral Reefs So Colorful? }
Color: A Fish’s- Eye View Startling greens, blues, yellows, and reds paint the creatures of the reefs. Scientists are learning to decipher the messages these colors convey and to see them the way fish do. BY LES KAUFMAN PHOTOGRAPHS BY TIM LAMAN
FBI Crime Center { ZipUSA: 26306; ZipUSA: 26306: Where the Crime Clock Never Stops; ZipUSA: Clarksburg, West Virginia}
ZipUSA: 26306 Like the loops and whorls of the fingerprints on file there, the FBI’s crime data center outside Clarksburg, West Virginia, is one of a kind. BY PETER MEYER PHOTOGRAPHS BY NINA BERMAN
Colorado Plateau { Wide Wild West; State of Rock}
Wide Wild West Time carves stone into spires on the Colorado Plateau, spread across four states, where wind, water, and weird rule. BY MIKE EDWARDS PHOTOGRAPHS BY FRANS LANTING

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