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National Geographic Back Issues
Magazines, Books, Maps & More
Armenia Reborn { The Rebirth of Armenia}
Armenia Reborn For 3, 000 years Armenians survived conquer- ors, calamities, and diaspora. Defiance and a long memory continue to sustain them as they rebuild their Caucasus homeland. BY FRANK VIVIANO PHOTOGRAPHS BY ALEXANDRA AVAKIAN
The Price of Growth in China { China’s Growing Pains}
China’s Growing Pains Wrenching environmental problems are plaguing the world’s newest industrial powerhouse. Can China clean up its act? BY ] ASPER BECKER PHOTOGRAPHS BY BOB SACHA
Sweet Home Talladega { 35160: Free To Be; ZipUSA: 35160; ZipUSA: Talladega, Alabama}
ZipUSA: 35160 In Talladega, Alabama, hearing and sight aren’t requirements for the good life. BY MARGARET G. ZACKOWITZ PHOTOGRAPHS BY DAVID McLAIN
Elephant Communication { Elephant Talk; Calls in the Wild}
Calls in the Wild Elephants are able to talk long distance but only with the cooperation of a fickle carrier: the weather. BY LYNNE WARREN
A Rain Forest in Rio’s Backyard { Brazil’s Atlantic Forest; Rio’s Backyard Rain Forest; The Rain Forest in Rio’s Backyard}
Rio’s Backyard Rain Forest The once vast Atlantic forest of Brazil survives only as a scattering of green islands in a sea of human sprawl. Now scientists have plans to save its remnants from the rising tide of development. BY VIRGINIA MORELL PHOTOGRAPH
British Columbia’s Outback { Stikine River; Deep North}
British Columbia’s Outback What do you call an unforgiv- ing land whose beauty can be fatal? The people of the Stikine River Valley call it home. BY WADE DAVIS PHOTOGRAPHS BY SARAH LEEN
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