National Geographic March 1955


Spectacular Rio de Janeiro: Studded with Mountains and Scalloped with Beaches, Brazil’s Booming Capital Is One of the Beauty Queens of the Earth
Studded with mountains and scalloped with beaches, Brazil’s vibrant city sprawls for miles between granite hills and sparkling seas.
Life Among the Wai Wai Indians: Smithsonian Archeologists, Husband and Wife, Find British Guiana’s Pygmy- size Bow- and- arrow Marksmen Facing Extinction
Smithsonian archaeologists, husband and wife, find British Guyana’s pygmy- size bow- and- arrow marksmen facing extinction.
America’s First Painters: Indians, Who Once Painted Rocks and Buffalo Hides, Now Use Paper and Canvas to Preserve Ancient Art Forms
Indians who once painted rocks and buffalo hides now use paper and canvas to preserve ancient art forms.
X- Rays Reveal the Inner Beauty of Shells
X- Rays provide new insights into how marine creatures construct the spiraling chambers of their shell homes.
East Pakistan Drives Back the Jungle: A Land of Elephant Roundups, Bengal Tigers, and a Bamboo Economy Takes Big Strides Toward Becoming a Modern Nation
A land of elephant roundups, Bengal tigers, and a bamboo economy, takes big strides toward becoming a modern nation. Staff writers Jean and Franc Shor cover the countryside by train, jeep, and native dugouts.
Deaf Children Learn to Talk at Clarke School: With Patience, Skill, and New Scientific Equipment, Teachers Labor That the Ears of the Deaf Shall be Unstopped. .. and the Tongue of the Dumb Sing ( Isaiah 35: 5- 6)
Alexander Graham Bell laid the groundwork for a revolutionary approach to teaching deaf children to speak. With patience and skill, teachers work with students at the school where the inventor served as teacher and researcher for 51 years.

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