National Geographic March 1950


Wildlife in and near the Valley of the Moon
California’s Valley of the Moon ( Sonoma Valley) is home to a wide variety of wild animals, including geese, ducks, deer, raccoons, and hummingbirds.
Trawling the China Seas
A photo essay profiles the Ming Lee and her sister ships as they ply the South China Sea in search of fish.
Britain Tackles the East African Bush
Great Britain has implemented three forms of government in its East African possessions. The differences among the three circumscribe the rights and privileges of native peoples and Europeans in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanganyika ( Tanzania) .
Memorial Tribute to General of the Air Force, H. H. Arnold
Henry H. Arnold, the first general of the Air Force, contributed many articles to NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC magazine. This short tribute accompanies his last article.
Literary Landmarks of Massachusetts
Massachusetts can take credit for memorials to many literary giants, including Henry David Thoreau, the Alcotts, Emily Dickinson, and Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Roaming Africa’s Unfenced Zoos
The vast national parks of East Africa provide an unparalleled opportunity to see wild animals in their native habitats. Unfortunately, some of these encounters are closer than the author would like.

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