National Geographic June 2004


At Home With Flickers { Flickers: Carving Out Their Niche}
At Home With Flickers Flashing bright underfeathers in flight, these big noisy woodpeckers help shape forest biodiversity. BY JENNIFER STEINBERG HOLLAND PHOTOGRAPHS BY MICHAEL S. QUINTON
America’s Front Yard { Sprawl on the Mall? ; The Battle for America’s Front Yard}
America’s Front Yard Lots of folks like Washington, D. C. ‘s, new World War II Memorial. Lots of others don’t- including those who sued to halt its construction. It turns out that Americans have always had trouble agreeing on how to use the National Ma
The Shiites of Iraq { Reaching for Power: The Shiites of Iraq}
The Shiites of Iraq They’ ve been systematically repressed for decades. Now Iraq’s majority Muslim sect prepares to play a powerful role in a chaotic, post- Saddam world. BY JANINE DI GIOVANNI PHOTOGRAPHS BY MATT MOYER
Monterey Canyon { Monterey Menagerie; Under Monterey Bay; Way Down Deep}
Monterey Menagerie Off the coast of California an undersea canyon harbors an array of deeply strange creatures. BY VIRGINIA MORELL
Cliff- Hanging Tombs { Tombs of Peru’s Cloud People}
Cliff- Hanging Tombs Archaeologists venture high into the cloud forests of Peru to save ancient burials and their rare statues. BY PETER GWIN PHOTOGRAPHS BY RICARDO MORALES GAMARRA
The End of Cheap Oil
The End of Cheap Oil It’s inevitable. But just how soon will the vital fuel become so scarce and expensive that we’ re forced to make hard choices about how we live? BY TIM APPENZELLER PHOTOGRAPHS BY SARAH LEEN
02860: Home Far Away { ZipUSA: 02860; ZipUSA: Pawtucket, RI; ZipUSA: Pawtucket, Rhode Island}
ZipUSA: 02860 Torn between the promise of prosperity and bittersweet memories of home, Cape Verdeans find ways to keep their past present in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. BY KAREN E. LANGE PHOTOGRAPHS BY ] ACQUELINE MIA FOSTER


WASHINGTON, D. C.(10 x 18 5/8 inches)
Included: Street map noting embassies, hotels, Metro stations, monuments and memorials, points of interest.
THE MAKING OF THE MALL(18 5/8 x 10 inches)
Included: Maps showing the development of the Mall from 1860 to 2000; the maps are reprinted with permission from [ Washington Through Two Centuries: A History in Maps and Images] , Monacelli Press, publisher.

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