National Geographic July 1916


The Luster of Ancient Mexico
The author sheds light on the populous hive of nations that thrived in Mexico, when the Aztec dominated the region. Aztec laws are revealed in their hieroglyphics, along with evidence of dark customs like human sacrifice and cannibalism.
The Venice of Mexico
The canals of Mexico City, the home of Aztec lake dwellers, are as picturesque as those in Venice.
Notes on the Danish West Indies { An American Gibraltar: Notes on the Danish West Indies}
Why did the United States agree to pay Denmark more than $ 295 an acre for the 50 islands of the Danish West Indies, when land in Alaska was bought with pennies? A look at the strategic importance of such islands as St. Thomas and St. Croix explains why.
The Treasure Chest of Mercurial Mexico
Veta Madre, the mother lode of Guanajuato, in central Mexico, once supplied a fifth of the world’s supply of silver. Guanajuato state remains Mexico’s most important mercantile center.

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