National Geographic January 1967


Parks, Plans, and People: How South America Guards Her Green Legacy
A survey trip finds five nations – – Peru, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay – – creating or expanding park systems and moving ahead with conservation laws.
Sailors of the Sky
Soaring sailplanes, kept aloft by rising air currents, release the human spirit – – and spark competitions for altitude and distance.
Alligators: Dragons in Distress
As Florida’s growth encroaches on their swampland and illegal hunters take their hides, the great reptiles of the Everglades are increasingly threatened.
Problems of a Two- part Land: Pakistan { Pakistan: Problems of a Two- part Land}
The Muslim republic, created and split in two by the partition of the Indian subcontinent, faces the problems of a burgeoning population.
The Flowers That Say Aloha
Hawaiians make fragrant leis on all occasions to give as loving greetings, adding a grace note to daily life.

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