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National Geographic Back Issues
Magazines, Books, Maps & More
06830: Greenwich Dream Time { ZipUSA: 06830; ZipUSA: Greenwich Dream Time; ZipUSA: Greenwich, Connecticut}
ZipUSA: 06830 Old money, new money- in Greenwich, Connecticut, millionaires are a dime a dozen. BY DAVID RAKOFF PHOTOGRAPHS BY CATHERINE KARNOW
Carbon Cycle { The Case of the Missing Carbon}
The Case of the Missing Carbon Hooked on fossil fuels, humans pump carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Fortunately, plants and ocean waters gather it in. But what happens when the planet’s great carbon recycling system goes awry? BY TIM APPENZELLER PHOT
A Chinese Empire to Rival Rome { Han Dynasty}
Han Dynasty As mighty in the East two thousand years ago as the Romans were in the West, the Han emperors- brilliant, cunning, and cruel- left a mark on China that endures today. BY MIKE EDWARDS PHOTOGRAPHS BY O. LOUIS MAZZATENTA
Inca Expedition { Lost Outpost of the Inca; Mystery Mountain of the Inca}
Lost Outpost of the Inca Could this mountain stronghold also have been the home of an earlier, as yet unknown people? An expedition probes the intriguing ruins of Cerro Victoria. BY PETER FROST PHOTOGRAPHS BY GORDON WILTSIE
Canada’s Great White Bears { Great Whites of the North; Polar Bears; Polar Bears: White on White}
Canada’s Great White Bears A polar bear paparazzo brings back close- up images of these Hudson Bay celebrities. BY JOHN L. ELIOT PHOTOGRAPHS BY NORBERT ROSING
World’s Fastest Monkeys { Kenya’s Patas Monkeys: Life on a Fast Track}
World’s Fastest Monkeys Kenya’s patas monkeys not only run fast, they eat fast, reproduce fast- and some are dying fast. BY LISA MOORE LAROE PHOTOGRAPHS BY ANUP AND MANO) SHAH
South Pacific Coral Hideaway { South Pacific Hideaway; Phoenix Islands: A Coral Reef Wilderness Revealed}
South Pacific Hideaway On the healthy reefs of the Phoenix Islands, scientists find new species and clues to preserving paradise. BY GREGORY S. STONE PHOTOGRAPHS BY PAUL NICKLEN
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