National Geographic April 1979


Footprints Frozen in Time { Newest Leakey Discovery: Footprints 3. 6 Million Years Old; Footprints in the Ashes of Time}
Paleontologist Mary D. Leakey describes a startling discovery in East Africa – – tracks left in hardened volcanic ash by hominids that walked upright at least 3. 6 million years ago.
The Trouble With Dolphins
Senior editor Edward J. Linehan learns close up what scientists now know – – and don’t know – – about porpoises, those cavorting, companionable, and perhaps most intelligent creatures of the seas. Photographs by Bill Curtsinger.
Massachusetts’ North Shore Harbors the Past { Massachusetts’ North Shore: Harboring Old Ways}
Boston Brahmins and Sicilian fishermen, artists and Clam diggers, horsemen and boatbuilders share a rugged coast where tradition still rules. By Randall S. Peffer, photographs by Nathan Benn.
Killer Whale Attack!
An unprecedented series of photographs documents a savage, wolflike assault on a blue whale by a pack of the largest dolphins – – killer whales. With text by Cliff Tarpy.
What About Nuclear Energy? { The Promise and Peril of Nuclear Energy}
For years the power of the atom was hailed as the answer to man’s fuel shortages and pollution problems. Now bitter debate rages over radiation hazards, economic pitfalls, and weapons proliferation. Science editor Kenneth F. Weaver and photographer Emo;
Old Prague in Winter
Peter T. White and Nathan Benn find a compelling, captivating sense of history pervading the heart of Czechoslovakia’s capital.
Warm Springs Indians Carve Out a Future
Business is booming on an Oregon reservation where a tribally owned resort and a thriving forest- products industry help turn poverty into prosperity. Article and photographs by David S. Boyer.

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