National Geographic September 2020


National Geographic September 2020 Highlights:

The Robots Are Here

The new kind of robot isn’t like C-3PO of Star Wars fame. It’s far from human – but still smart, adept, and mobile. It’s designed to “live” and work with people. And it’s migrating steadily into daily life, in jobs ranging from stocking warehouse shelves to arranging flowers.

A Future Less Frozen

Ice loss is shaping the Great Lakes region’s economy and culture.

Nobody’s Fool

Forget the dim-witted stereotype. Ostriches are shrewd survivors.

The Power of Protection

An ambitious project aims to preserve a third of the world’s oceans.

Waiting for Gdansk

Solidarity’s hometown is still an inspiring place.

Light in Odd Places

To explore the effects of artificial lighting in a natural environment, the photographer flew lighted drones above some of Earth’s most dramatic landscapes.

Harming Nature Risks Our Health

A damaged planet can’t shield us as well from diseases. Here’s why.

Flattening the Curve of Influenza in 1918

That historic pandemic has lessons for today.

Scrutinizing Viruses

Handling some samples takes specific tools.

A Brain Map Worth Buzzing About

Detailed diagramming of a fly’s brain reveals millions of connections.

Shocking Behavior

Many fish use electricity to communicate and navigate – but some eels use it to hunt and defend themselves.

Fossilized Footprints

The Year of the Panda Peculiar Turtle Traints

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