National Geographic March 1986


Secrets of the Giant Panda { Secrets of the Wild Panda}
Survivors in an ever diminishing habitat, China’s living national treasures need protection. Zoologist George B. Schaller reports on an international project to save them.
Narwhals, Arctic Unicorns { Narwhals Duel in Arctic Seas; Narwhal: Unicorn of the Arctic Seas}
Flip Nicklin captures photographs of bizarre duels among these little- known denizens of northern seas, being studied by biologists John and Deborah Ford.
Britain’s Pennine Way { On Britain’s Pennine Way; Walking Britain’s Pennine Way; To Scotland Afoot Along the Pennine Way}
David Yeadon walks the 270- mile trail from central England into Scotland. Photographs by Annie Griffiths.
Sam Houston, a Life Larger Than Legend { Sam Houston: A Man Too Big for Texas}
A statesman, soldier, and frontiersman, the champion of Texas independence was a giant of his age, reports Bart McDowell, a son of the Lone Star State. With photographs by Charles O’ Rear and a double supplement map – – The Making of America: Texas.
Morocco’s Holy City of Fez { Morocco’s Ancient City of Fez}
A medieval time capsule, the Islamic center lives in the past while fighting an exodus to its nearby modern counterpart. By Harvey Arden, with photographs by Bruno Barbey.
Tenn- Tom Waterway: Bounty or Boondoggle? { Tenn- Tom’s Troubled Waters; The Tennessee- Tombigbee Waterway: Bounty or Boondoggle? }
Is the new barge route linking the Tennessee and Tombigbee Rivers another pork barrel, or will the two- billion- dollar project boost the South? Carolyn Bennett Patterson and photographer Sandy Felsenthal report.

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