National Geographic June 2002


Saluting the Troops
Saluting the Troops Tiny Bedford, Virginia, lost 19 sons on D- Day, a sacrifice honored in a new national memorial. BY CLIFF TARPY PHOTOGRAPHS BY O. LOUIS MAZZATENTA
Beast of the Boreal { Beasts of the Boreal: Wolverines}
Beast of the Boreal Enter the deep forests of Finland and meet the misunderstood wolverine: shy, playful, and opportunistic. BY TOM O’ NEILL PHOTOGRAPHS BY ANTTI LEINONEN
Andes Empires { Empires Across the Andes}
Andes Empires Building grand cities, temples, and roads, two powerful pre- Inca empires ruled the region. BY VIRGINIA MORELL PHOTOGRAPHS BY KENNETH GARRETT
Long Road Home: A Story of War and Revelation in Afghanistan
Long Road Home An American photojournalist and her Islamist translator forge a friendship on Afghanistan’s front lines. ARTICLE AND PHOTOGRAPHS BY LOIS RAIMONDO
Untold Stories of D- Day
Untold Stories of D- Day A grand hoax, top secret maps, and live- ammunition rehearsals set the stage for June 6, 1944, when 200, 000 soldiers stormed Normandy’s beaches to help free Europe. BY THOMAS B. ALLEN
ZipUSA: 50012: Recipe: Remove Hundreds of Teenagers from Their Homes, Place Them in Three Dorms in the Middle of Iowa, Stir { ZipUSA: Ames, Iowa}
ZipUSA: Ames, Iowa Quiet! can only be shouted after- hours in a mega college dorm awash in high- decibel music and video games. BY HILLEL J. HOFFMANN PHOTOGRAPHS BY SCOTT HOUSTON
Jamestown { Unsettling Discoveries at Jamestown: Suffering and Surviving in 17th- century Virginia}
Jamestown What happened to this early English settlement in the New World? Graves and a fort site provide surprising new clues. BY KAREN E. LANGE PHOTOGRAPHS BY IRA BLOCK
Boreal Forest { The Great Northern Forest}
Great Northern Forest The reality of this immense boreal land grows ever harsher as a resource- hungry world gnaws its edges. BY FEN MONTAIGNE PHOTOGRAPHS BY PETER ESSICK


. .. BECAUSE IT IS THERE: THE QUEST FOR EVEREST ( side 2)(20 3/4 x 29 1/2 inches)
Included: Photos of the members of Team No Boundaries: Marjorie ( Midge) Cross, Lynn Prebble, Jody Thompson, Alison Levine, and Kim Clark; summaries of the team members’ climbing highlights, thoughts on climbing, personal challenge, and participation in
. .. BECAUSE IT IS THERE: THE QUEST FOR EVEREST ( side 1)(20 3/4 x 29 1/2 inches)
Included: Map of Everest and surrounding area, showing routes used by principal expeditions. The mapping of Everest in 1988 was the vision of Bradford Washburn, was supported by the Society, and aided by many experts and institutions. ; Also included: Ho

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