National Geographic July 1951


Labrador Canoe Adventure
The authors of this article paddled and portaged some 600 miles through the remote wilderness of Labrador.
France’s Past Lives in Languedoc
Once Languedoc was a province stretching from Toulouse to the Rhone River. Unity now lies mostly in the memory of a language and the heritage of the troubadours.
Versatile Wood Waits on Man
Wood and wood by- products are used in everything from animal feed to telephones.
Wonderland in Longwood Gardens
Almost everything under the sun can be coaxed to grow at Longwood Gardens, the du Pont estate outside of Wilmington, Delaware.
Spain’s Silkworm Gut
Silkworm gut is rapidly being replaced by nylon as the choice of surgeons and fishermen. Gut is produced by pickling silkworms before they spin their cocoons and removing the silk- making glands.

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