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National Geographic Back Issues
Magazines, Books, Maps & More
Tsetse- -The Deadly Fly { Tsetse- -Fly of the Deadly Sleep}
Scourge to cattle and humans alike in Africa, the tsetse fly stirs debate over land use. Georg Gerster investigates the continuing war to control the insect.
Ghosts on the Little Bighorn: Custer and the Warriors of the Plains
After a 1983 praire fire cleared brush along Montana’s Little Bighorn River, archaeologists recovered artifacts that shed new light on Custer’s Last Stand. Robert Paul Jordan reports on the still controversial 1876 battle. Photographs by Scott Rutherfo
Halley’s Comet 1986 { Halley’s Comet ‘ 86- -Much More Than Met the Eye}
The dazzling traveler that many watchers missed revealed its secrets to telescope, spacecraft, and jet aircraft, Rick Gore reports.
A Long Last Look at [ Titanic]
Robert D. Ballard, co- leader of the expedition that found the historic shipwreck last year, returns for a detailed exploration, aided by two ingenious seeing- eye undersea vehicles.
Westminster, the Palace That Became Parliament
Over the centuries a onetime royal residence in London has been transformed into the permanent home of Britain’s lawmaking body. Patrick Cormack, member of the House of Commons, traces its history and traditions. Photogrpahs by Adan Woolfitt.
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