National Geographic December 1904


The United States Government Telegraph and Cable Lines
The extensive Alaska telegraph system completes the U. S. military communication system.
Sulphur Mine in Nevada
Geographic Notes from the December 1904 issue include topics such as information on the discovery of a fossil egg.
A Doubtful Island of the Pacific
Navigators on ships such as the Tacoma have reported the existence of an island or islands in the North Pacific Ocean, about a thousand miles east- southeast from Hawaii.
A Bird City
Many birds, including albatrosses, breed on the Hawaiian island of Laysan.
Decisions of the U. S. Board on Geographic Names
Geographic Notes includes information on topics such as the resources of Alaska and decisions of the U. S. Board on Geographic Names.
China has an enormous population and an ancient history of intellectual and material accomplishments.
Geographic Congress Abstracts
This article includes abstracts from the Geographic Congress, including information on the Tower of Pelee and the relations of commerce to geography.

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