National Geographic August 1959


Inside the World of the Honeybee
Glass- encased hives provide Treat Davidson a window on the intricate society of these fascinating insects.
Giant Sequoias Draw Millions to California Parks
The 272- foot General Sherman, about 35 centuries old, is the biggest among the great trees protected by two national parks.
Beyond the Bight of Benin
In Nigeria and the Cameroons, Parisian artists Jeannette and Maurice Fievet race against the clock to capture on canvas and in words, the spirit of rapidly changing peoples.
Canada’s Winged Victory: The [ Silver Dart]
The Royal Canadian Air Force replays Canada’s first manned flight with a replica of the delicate bamboo- and- silk plane created by Alexander Graham Bell and colleagues 50 years earlier.
Children’s Village in Switzerland, Pestalozzi
Originally founded for European war orphans, a Swiss village surrounds parentless children with its warm embrace.

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