National Geographic September 1918


The American People Must Become Ship- Minded
The Chairman of the United States Shipping Board writes that Americans must adopt a shipbuilding spirit if they are to build an armada befitting the great maritime power that the United States is destined to become.
Our Industrial Victory
Second only to America’s military victory to come, writes Charles Schwab, will be the industrial victory at home, where almost overnight the U. S. has become the greatest shipbuilding nation in the world.
Ships for the Seven Seas: The Story of America’s Maritime Needs, Her Capabilities and Her Achievements
The U. S. maritime fleet, and those who are helping to dramatically expand it, are the great, pulsing arteries supplying our armies abroad with all that constitutes the lifeblood of fighting forces.
Food for Our Allies in 1919
America is the only reliable source of food for our Allies, warns Herbert Hoover of the U. S. Food Administration. Since the Allies are denying themselves in order to transport our troops, we need to be our brothers’ keepers.
The War and Ocean Geography
With more ships afloat after World War I than before, writes the Editor, there will be greater demand for ocean surveys, and the submarine, an American invention, will be rescued from its ignoble use and made to serve humanity.

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