National Geographic December 1950


Darius Carved History on Ageless Rock
Darius the Great carved a record of his accomplishments into a rocky Persian hillside. With modern tools and technology, archaeologists and anthropologists are now able to better understand Darius’s message.
Exploring the World of Gems
Precious stones including diamonds, rubies, and sapphires, have fascinated us for thousands of years. The author examines the many customs and superstitions that surround famous gems.
Mid- century Holland Builds Her Future
In Holland, five years after the end of World War II, the Dutch cope with an increasing population, expanding industry, and a shortage of available land.
Home to the Holy Land
Jewish refugees from all over the world continue to pour into the new state of Israel, while many Palestinians have moved to the kingdom of Jordan.
[ J. W. Westcott, ] Postman for the Great Lakes
A small boat with a big mission, the J. W. Westcott delivers letters, telegrams, and top- secret orders to the crews of boats plying the Great Lakes. It also offers coffee, laundry, and dry cleaning services, and transports equipment and the occasional p

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