National Geographic April 2014


Can Coal Ever Be Clean?

We burn eight billion tons a year. Demand is surging. The challenge: control the carbon pollution.

A Tale Of Two Atolls

Amorous turtles and young sharks find happiness by a pair of Indian Ocean islands.

Cosmic Dawn

When a star is born, the best way to take a look is with ALMA, the gigantic new telescope in Chile.

{ Special Poster } How the Universe Began … and Might End

Hats Off to Breton Women

Have you ever tried to climb into a tiny car with a 13-inch-tall column of lace on your head?

Wild Obsession

Owners love their pet chimps, tigers, bears. Critics say it’s dangerous and cruel.

Romans in France

The muddy Rhone River is full of surprises: statues, luxury goods, a 102-foot-long Roman boat.

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