National Geographic October 1928


Our Conquest of the Pacific: The Narrative of the 7, 400- Mile Flight from San Francisco to Brisbane in Three Ocean Hops
Thanks to precise planning and top- notch equipment, the airplane aptly named Southern Cross completed its flight across the Pacific southwest to Australia.
The Kizilbash Clans of Kurdistan
Driving and camping through Anatolia allows the author a close look at the rough and remote daily lives of the Kizilbash people.
The Granite City of the North: Austere Stockholm, Sweden’s Prosperous Capital, Presents a Smiling Aspect in Summer
Prosperous, clean, and cultured, Stockholm sets and maintains high standards that visitors appreciate.
Types and Costumes of Old Sweden
In the Dal region of Sweden, traditional costume varies from parish to parish, and the style and color of a woman’s cap can indicate her marital status.
Sweden, Land of White Birch and White Coal
A proud, independent country, Sweden first gained wealth from its plentiful forests but now water power, or white coal, also fuels progress.

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