Search Results for: space

Planets, Stars, and Galaxies

By Eric

National Geographic Planets, Stars, and Galaxies

Finally, it’s here! The farthest reaches of our universe captured in atlas form for young readers. Planets, Stars, and Galaxies is the space book that pushes the boundaries of man’s ultimate frontier. The engaging, educational text, written in collaboration with National Geographic experts, includes the latest discoveries about our universe; while specially commissioned artwork by the author illuminates page after page.

Exciting as well as enlightening, Planets, Stars, and Galaxies belongs on every family bookshelf, providing easy reference for school reports and compelling reading on the myriad mysteries beyond our world. With vivid illustrations and superb photography, this beautiful book puts the wonders of space into every child’s hands. This engaging, provocative reference work includes: the new solar system including dwarf planets Pluto, Ceres, and Eris;the latest developments in space exploration, science, and research—how a star is born and dies, “weird worlds,” the “galactic zoo,” and more;fun facts about space and amazing new images—Saturn’s rings, Jupiter’s moons, and Hubble’s deep-space view;first-hand accounts from scientists and astronauts—what it’s like to study the universe and to live in space;a fascinating look into our future in space: What space travel might hold in a reader’s own lifetime—moon colonies, hotels on Mars? How will the universe end?questions to ponder, such as “Is there other life in the universe?”an illustrated timeline of space research and exploration, star charts, moon maps, fact boxes, and helpful scientific diagrams.


Format: Hardcover, 192 Pages

Published: 2007

ISBN: 9781426301704

Condition: Used

National Geographic Concise History of the World: An Illustrated Time Line

By Eric

National Geographic Concise History of the World: An Illustrated Time Line

From the dawn of humankind to today’s global complexities, this monumental volume presents world history from an original perspective that provides fresh insights with every colorful spread. Few references are as invaluable, all-inclusive, and satisfying to browse. For readers of all ages, world history is easily accessible, depicted as never before—so that events occurring simultaneously around the world can be viewed at-a-glance together. For example, Texas Instruments launched the pocket calculator the same year the Soviet Union launched the first manned space station, in 1971. Columbus sailed from Spain the year Martin Behaim constructed a terrestrial globe in Nuremberg. The California Gold Rush followed the Irish Potato Famine in the 1840s, and the Greek dictatorship of Papadopoulos is overthrown the same year Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia is deposed and U.S. president Nixon resigns, in 1974. The book’s innovative time line truly sets it apart, allowing readers to scan across a spread and explore a single area or compare contemporary societies across the globe.

This remarkable resource also contains dozens of maps; scores of sidebars; hundreds of illustrations; and thousands of events, milestones, personalities, ideas, and inventions. Throughout, vivid illustrations depict artworks, artifacts, portraits and dramatic scenes, while sidebar topics range from local customs and lifestyles to the effect of climate change on human migration. Drawing on National Geographic’s vast resources, this concise yet comprehensive, one-of-a-kind work is as rewarding as it is compulsively readable.


Format: Hardcover, 416 Pages

Published: 2006

ISBN: 0-7922-8364-3

Condition: Used (May not include dust cover)

The New Solar System (Expanded Edition)

By Eric

The New Solar System: Ice Worlds, Moons, and Planets Redefined – Expanded Edition

Aimed at the popular audience by experienced astronomy author Patricia Daniels with contributions by former editor of Astronomy magazine Robert Burnham and highlighted by 160 photographs, diagrams and maps, this superb guide explores every corner of Earth’s planetary neighborhood, from the fiery sun at its center to the dark, icy realm where interstellar space begins. It’s a state-of-the-art observation of the solar system as we know it today and a knowledgeable forecast of what to expect in the future, from Pluto’s demotion to plutoid to the upcoming Moon mission, the likelihood of a manned expedition to Mars, and much more.

From breathtaking full-color photographs to detailed explanatory diagrams to expert essays, fascinating sidebars, and informative fact boxes, the New Solar System is not just an easy-to-use, solidly reliable reference, but also a visually stunning, invitingly browsable volume guaranteed to fire the imagination of even the most casual reader.

As we celebrate NASA’s first half-century and look outward to exciting new possibilities, public interest in all things interplanetary will only grow more intense and this wonderfully timely book is poised to launch us once more into the High Frontier.


Format: Hardcover, 272 Pages

Published: 2010

ISBN: 978-1-4262-0752-5

Condition: Used (May not include dust cover)

National Geographic September 2021

By Eric

National Geographic September 2021


Mysteries of the Solar System

“What new technology reveals about the millions of asteroids, comets, dwarf planets, and other objects orbiting our sun”

Launching in October, NASA’s Lucy spacecraft eventually will fly by asteroids near Jupiter.

Atlas of the World, Ninth Edition

By Eric

Atlas of the World, Ninth Edition

National Geographic Atlas of the WorldNinth Edition showcases the Earth in stunning detail, through a magnificent collection of world, continental, and regional maps that represent up-to-the-minute political geography. Throughout the Ninth Edition, state-of-the-art cartographic technologies and thousands of updates deliver accuracy and quality. Innovative new physical and thematic sections address the most compelling issues facing our world today. Preeminent scientists and experts in geographical specialty fields have consulted on all topics, to ensure that the maps, graphs, and text convey significant trends and findings relevant to modern science. Innovative design makes the wide-ranging content wonderfully accessible, resulting in an accurate, useful, and user-friendly reference to the world.

Map coverage in the Ninth Edition is more comprehensive and up-to-date than ever before:

· Newly generated regional maps reveal in great detail the geography of places in the news today, strengthening the reference aspect of the Atlas in its coverage of newsworthy developments, from conflict in the Middle East to global warming in North America.
· Dramatic, state-of-the-art ocean floor maps show more detail, more features, and more soundings than in any other atlas.
· Extraterrestrial maps chart the Northern and Southern skies, the Solar System, the Milky Way, and the Universe, with new maps of Mars and the Moon that denote physical features, spacecraft landings, and impact sites.

Twenty new thematic spreads illustrate crucial aspects of the human and physical world: population, urbanization, and their environmental impact, as well as human rights, health and wellness, culture, climate, technology, and many other topics. In this section, world maps appear in the same scale and projection to make it easier for the reader to compare layers of information. Plus, new highlighted notes called “connections” point out the interrelationships between topics.

The reference value of the National Geographic Atlas of the World, Ninth Edition is unparalleled, with the place-name index now exceeding 150,000 entries to incorporate the thousands of features covered on the new spreads. Simple, straightforward index design provides readers with ease of navigation in finding the places they want to explore.

This blend of mapping expertise, comprehensive coverage, and award-winning design places the National Geographic Atlas of the World, Ninth Edition in a class by itself.


Format: Hardcover, 424 Pages

Published: 2010

Condition: Used (May not contain dust cover or sleeve)

National Geographic June 2021

By Eric

National Geographic June 2021 Highlights:


Tulsa Race Massacre

Enraged by prosperity in a Black community, white rioters attacked it in 1921, in one of the worst acts of terrorism in U.S. history.

The Race Card Project

Those conversations about race that seem too difficult? People are bravely starting them, six words at a time.

Envisioning Black Freedom

To stop perpetuating the racism of the past, the essayist says, “we must live like we understand what that history teaches us.”

Culture Clash

Mexico’s Maya beekeepers see their way of life threatened by Mennonite colonies’ expanding soy farms.

The Tree at the Bottom of the World

On this warming planet, which tree grows the farthest south? Our team seeks it out.

The Lure of Trieste

It’s been an overlooked gem in northern Italy. But the city may enjoy new recognition thanks to interest in its port.

Glass Sea Menagerie

Two 19th-century glass artists made detailed models of sea life, for use in research. Today they’re collector’s items and the objects of a still life odyssey.

A Fan Letter to My Favorite Spacecraft

The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope sees a cosmos so different from what our eyes see.

‘Bacon of the Sea’

Aquaculturists say this marine alga is rich in protein – and when fried, pretty bacon-y.

Tunnel Vision

Water whittled the fliffs and canyons of Utah’s Zion National Park.

Baking in Pompeii

Mount Vesuvius buried bakeries, but the bread survived. Now its recipe has been re-created.



A Yellow Penguin

Regrowing Joints?

Bug Takes a Beating


On The Cover:

Nadir Nelson’s painting “Tulsa” evokes both what had flourished and what was destroyed in a Black community in Oklahoma in 1921. African American families thrived in Tulsa’s Greenwood district until white mobs’ rage erupted into arson, shootings, and the loss of as many as 300 lives — now known as the Tulsa Race Massacre.